
Altretamine is a synthetic cytotoxic antineoplastic drug that’s used as palliative treatment for patients with ovarian cancer.
Altretamine is well absorbed after oral administration.
Metabolism and excretion
Altretamine is metabolized extensively in the liver and excreted by the liver and kidneys. The parent compound is poorly bound to plasma proteins.
The exact mechanism of action of altretamine is unknown. However, its metabolites are alkylating drugs.
Altretamine is used as palliative treatment of persistent or recurring ovarian cancer after first-line therapy with cisplatin or an alkylating drug-based combination.
Drug interactions
Altretamine has a few significant interactions with other drugs. Concomitant therapy with cimetidine may increase altretamine’s half-life, increasing the risk of altretamine toxicity.
Don’t mix with MAOI
Use with an MAOI may cause severe orthostatic hypotension (a drop in blood pressure upon rising).
