Pharmacology Of Amlexanox

Indication Used as a paste in the mouth to treat aphthous ulcers (canker sores).
Pharmacodynamics Amlexanox is a mucoadhesive oral paste which has been clinically proven to abort the onset, accelerate healing and resolve the pain of aphthous ulcers (canker sores). It decreases the time ulcers take to heal. Because amlexanox decreases the healing time, it also decreases the pain you feel. Recent studies have also shown that the majority of ulcers can be prevented by application of the paste during the prodromal (pre-ulcerative) phase of the disease. Recurrent Aphthous Ulcers (RAU) also known as Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is recognized as the most common oral mucosal disease known to man. Estimates suggest that 20% - 25% of the general population suffer at least one incidence of aphthous ulcers each year. Amlexanox is also being investigated for its anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Mechanism of action As a benzopyrano-bipyridine carboxylic acid derivative, amlexanox has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. It inhibits chemical mediatory release of the slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) and may have antagonistic effects on interleukin-3. When cells are under stress, they release an inactive form of human fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF-1), a potent mitogen (entity that causes mitosis). Amlexanox binds to FGF1, increasing its conformational stability, sterically blocking Cu(2+) induced oxidation which normally leads to activation of FGF-1.
Absorption No significant absorption directly through the active ulcer. Most of the systemic absorption is via the gastrointestinal tract.
Volume of distribution Not Available
Protein binding Not Available
Metabolism Metabolized to hydroxylated and conjugated metabolites.
Route of elimination Not Available
Half life Elimination half-life is 3.5 ± 1.1 hours.
Clearance Not Available
Toxicity Not Available